As part of the humanitarian efforts of Save A-Thon For Africa, we visited a particularly impoverished village. There we were introduced to the elders and shown around. This was another one of the instances where we felt like celebrities. After we presented them with food and other essentials, we were shown how they harvest coconuts. Its obviously very dangerous and impressive. Adam (the founder of the organization) noticed the lack of toys for the kids there. He mentioned that might be the next thing they bring when visiting this or other similar villages.
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Heeeyyyy! I love your pics, i wich serve a mision in africa! ;—; 😀
I think your photography is beautiful. it speaks in ways that not all photographers can capture. I’ve loved seeing Nigeria through your lens and I’m grateful one of my friends had you shoot her wedding so I could see the work of such a talented photographer.
As I read about Adam wanting to bring toys to the children something crossed my mind that I wanted to share. So often low-income-countries are the receptacle of Western gifts, that may be wanted, but do nothing to strengthen their own countries. While bringing toys to these children would be rewarding, what would be more rewarding would be to see one of the children from the Nigerian Orphanage make toys to sell to others and to support themselves; to raise themselves out of their current situations. I would hope that you would consider advising Adam and others who are in the philanthropic world to create sustainable solutions (if you really think they need toys, maybe look into helping someone set up a toy making factory in the town) in these countries that you visit so that when you visit you are leaving behind much more than a few teddy bears.
I would love to talk to you more about this if you are interested.
All the best,