Ashley and Matt Formals

It’s getting pretty cold outside. I’m not one that really likes when the temperature drops. I like playing outside with my kids, and you can’t do that as much during the winter. However, as my family and I were out driving around this afternoon, I couldn’t help but want snow. It’s a month until Christmas, and I think in order for me to fully get into the Christmas spirit, it really needs to snow. Do you feel the same way?

About a week ago, I met with Ashley and Matt at Wheeler Farm to take their pictures. Even though it was really cold, Ashley was awesome. I know I complained more about it than she did, and I was wearing a sweater.

I love the romantic feel these two brought to these pictures. I’m excited to share them with you.


ok. i definitely don’t know this couple, but i feel like you completely captured their personalities in these shots. well done! you always create beautiful work.

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